Harbour Masters & PFSO Network


Following a recommendation by the seminar on maritime security and the ISPS Code organized in Cotonou in July 2013 by the Ports Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA) and the International Maritime Organization, the 36th annual Council meeting of PMAWCA endorsed the decision to set up a Network of PMAWCA Harbour Masters, which will include the Port Security Officers and Port Facility Security Officers as members. 

The Network was therefore created in Tema (Ghana) on 3oth April 2014 to provide a platform for Habour Masters of PMAWCA ports to cooperate, exchange knowledge and share information on best practices in efficient marine operations, maritime traffic facilitation, and the safety and security of navigation within port waters. The network will also cooperate with state agencies both nationally and regionally in areas of common interest to suppress any unlawful acts against maritime transportation

  1. Develop and foster collaboration and good relations among harbour masters within PMAWCA ports;
  2. Collect and share professional information with members and to provide any other services when needed;
  3. Promote the safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sound conduct of marine operations in port waters.

The Network’s inaugural elected Bureau  members are the following who will serve a mandate of 2 years:

  1. Chairman : Captain Kabara MANSARE, Harbour Master, Port of Conakry (GUINEE) ;
  2. Vice Chairman: Captain Afadji EBENEZER , Harbour Master, Port of Tema (GHANA)
  3. Rapporteur (Francophone): Capitain Alain KOUA NGOULHOUD , PFSO, Port of Pointe-Noire (CONGO)
  4. Rapporteur (Anglophone): Mr. Umar Bala Mohammad, PFSO – Tin Can Island Port of Nigerian Ports Authority (NIGERIA)
  5. Rapporteur (lusophone) : to be elected at a later date
  • Each Harbour Master of a PMAWCA member port  shall be a Regular Member
  • Each PFSO/PSO of a PMAWCA member port  shall be an Associate Member
  • Any person or organization with similar interest may be admitted as an Observer