The Council – This is the apex decision-making body of the Association represented by all the Director Generals of the member ports and organizations. The Council meets once each year. During the Council Meeting, PMAWCA holds the Roundtable conference where relevant current issues are presented and discussed.
its principal duties include:
- Determine the policy and set the general principles governing the activities of the Association.
- Declare the admission of Regular, Associate and Observer members of the Association;
- Consider and approve programmes, activity reports and budget of the Association;
- Fix the amounts of annual subscriptions of Members of the Association
- Elect the President and Vice Presidents of the Association as well as other Members of the Board of Directors with the exception of the Treasurer;
- Elect the Secretary General of the Association on proposal of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors – This is made up of 6 members (Ports Authorities only) elected by the Council for a 2 years mandate. They support the Secretariat in the running of the affairs of the Association.
- One Chairman
- Two (2) Vice-Chairmen
- Three (3) members
The current board of Directors
- Ghana – President
- Gabon – 1stVice-President
- Nigeria – 2nd Vice-President
- Guinea – 1st Member
- Senegal – 2nd Member
- Equatorial – Guinea – 3rd Member
The president of the Association is, by right, be the Chairman of the Board. The term of office of the President is two years, non renewable.
The main duties of the Board are to:
- Advise the Council regarding appointments to the post of the Secretary General;
- Establish the Secretariat of the Association and recruit its personnel on the proposals of the Secretary General;
- Supervise the smooth functioning of the Secretariat;
- Consider the budget of the Secretariat, rates for membership Dues proposed by the Secretary General;
- Monitor the implementation of the resolutions and recommendations of the Council
- Take, if necessary, between two Council Sessions, any protective measures vital to the smooth functioning of the Association and render an account of such measures to the Council.
The Secretariat : It is responsible for the day to day running of the Association. Providing policy advice, program implementation, conduction and coordination of research and other technical studies for the benefit of member ports and organizations.
The Secretariat is the hub for all PMAWCA activities, it is situated at No. 12 Park Lane in Apapa, Lagos – Nigeria. It plans and organises meetings, workshops, projects and seminars. The Secretariat facilitates the free flow of information between member ports.
The Secretariat coordinates:
- Ongoing PMAWCA Projects
- Maintains and updates the website
- Collects and collates port statistics and port performance indicators.
- Gives Admin and logistics support during PMAWCA events and activities.
The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General (SG), who is elected by the Council from member ports. The SG is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and has the responsibility of:
- The general day to day administration of the Association and its Secretariat;
- The regular monitoring, implementation and coordination of the Association’s financial, technical and other activities under the supervision of the Board of Directors;
- Promoting relationships between the Association and international organizations on the one hand and between the Association and Governments on the other hand;
- Proposing to the Council, after having sought the Board of Directors approval, the establishment of any subsidiary agency necessary for the achievement of its mission;
- Attending, as an adviser all Council and Board of Directors meetings as well as all subsidiary agency meetings to which he/she will also serve as secretary;
- The safe-keeping of the Association’s property;
- Representing the Association before law courts.
Mr. Jean Marie KOFFI is the current Secretary General.

jeanmarie.koffi@agpaoc-pmawca.org koffijeanmarie@yahoo.fr

Projects Manager

Accounts Manager
ajimoh@agpaoc-pmawca.org / ajanijimoh@yahoo.co.uk

Executive Bilingual Secretary
anoah@agpaoc-pmawca.org / pmawca_agpaoc@yahoo.com